Policy & advocacy briefings

  • Relocation from Greece: lessons learned and looking ahead, joint NGO briefing paper. As the voluntary EU scheme is scheduled to come to an end, 29 civil society organizations call for the continuation of relocation from the country. This briefing paper, based on the organizations’ experiences both in Greece and in destination countries, offers their perspective on how to improve the process and outcomes for those being relocated, particularly for unaccompanied children. (Nov 2021)

  • Briefing Paper and recommendations on unaccompanied children at the EU borders: Child Circle and Kids in Need of Defense (“KIND”) share a summary of core recommendations on what measures should be in place at the EU borders as regards unaccompanied children. From the border onwards, States should fulfil the obligation to identify, protect and assist these children, and find durable solutions in their best interests. In particular, the paper focuses on recommendations to ensure access for these children to essential procedural safeguards, including quality legal assistance and representation.


 Reports & publications

Stepping Stones to Safety: strengthening Key Procedural Safeguards for Unaccompanied Children in Transnational Procedures within the EU.

Within the European Union, unaccompanied children seeking international protection need safe and legal pathways between Member States in a number of circumstances, in particular, for family reunion, or to reach protection and assistance through relocation from countries of first entry.. Transnational procedures underpinning these pathways embody the Member States’ human rights obligations to respect family life and the best interests of the children concerned, as well as a commitment to provide special protection and assistance to unaccompanied children and to enhance solidarity between States. There is both an urgent need, and a real opportunity to take concerted action to facilitate and improve these transnational procedures.

Read the Executive Summary here

Read the full report here

  • The new EU Migration and Asylum Pact commits to strengthening laws to “protect and safeguard” unaccompanied children, but it also introduces proposals that could harm children and undermine their best interests. KIND and Child Circle’s report provides recommendations on how the EU can make its commitment to protect unaccompanied children a reality

  • At the heart of our recommendations is that free quality legal assistance is a central safeguard for the protection of unaccompanied children.  It should be available to all unaccompanied children for all relevant procedures affecting them and best interests procedures should be improved and justiciable.  Furthermore, in restricted settings and in complex procedures, which pose acute risks to children, namely at borders and in transnational procedures involving transfers of children between countries, quality legal assistance should be actively facilitated and supported by authorities. 


 Guidance, tools and training

  • Prevention, response and care of missing unaccompanied children: The SUMMIT Handbook aims to stimulate and disseminate practices on how to better cooperate in prevention, response and after care of missing unaccompanied children. (April 2016) Read more about the SUMMIT

  • UPRIGHTS, UPHOLDING LEGAL RIGHTS FOR UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN: Fostering Quality Legal Assistance in the Asylum Procedure’ led by ECRE, contributions from Child Circle


Child-centred Justice


Child Protection