Reports & publications
Child Circle contributed to two reports of the Non-violent Childhoods Project:
European Journal of Parental Imprisonment- An evolving child rights agenda
Guidance, tools & training
European Barnahus Standards provide a common operational and organisational framework that promotes practices which prevents retraumatisation, while securing valid testimonies for Court, and complies with children’s rights to protection, assistance and child-friendly justice. (June 2017)
The PROMISE Compendium on Law and Guidance: European and International instruments concerning Child Victims and Witnesses of Violence provides a comprehensive view of the legal framework and authoritative guidance concerning the rights of child victims and witnesses across the EU, Council of Europe and United Nations (UN). (June 2017)
The PROMISE Advocacy Guidance aims to help you develop national and regional advocacy strategies to promote progress on Barnahus. (June 2017)
Read more about the PROMISE resources Promoting Barnahus Through Practical Tools
Prevention, response and care of missing unaccompanied children: The SUMMIT Handbook aims to stimulate and disseminate practices on how to better cooperate in prevention, response and after care of missing unaccompanied children. (April 2016) Read more about the SUMMIT.