what we do
©Guillaume de Germain
Child Circle undertakes:
Child Circle brings to this work its specialist knowledge of the EU legal and policy framework, as well as experience on challenges and opportunities for its application at national and local level, and in the work of practitioners. We help reinforce a child rights-based approach, so that administrative and judicial procedures centre on the needs and rights of children and that decision making in cases concerning children take their best interests as a primary consideration.
Our policy and analysis work connects with the work of human rights organisations, policy makers, IGOs, NGOs and academics. The resources we develop support the work of professionals involved in proceedings concerning children, such as judges, lawyers, prosecutors, law enforcement professionals, forensic interviewers, doctors, social professionals and guardians.
European Projects
Child Circle participates in European projects which connect partners across countries and build regional resources to achieve our goals in priority areas.
Recent projects focus on child victims and witnesses of violence, children in migration including children who seek asylum or have been trafficked, children who are separated or at risk of separation from their parents and children suspected or accused of crime.
These projects typically concern research, exchange of good practice, development of guidance, delivering tools for professionals in their day-to-day work and building knowledge and expertise. They also promote progress through policy analysis and recommendations which support national and European policymakers in learning from the experience of frontline professionals.
Project partners include:
Public Interest Engagement
Child Circle is actively engaged in public interest work, through policy recommendations, specialist publications and expert contributions to European guidance and tools. We regularly participate in policy consultations at regional level in Europe, including with EU bodies and the Council of Europe. We are also involved in strategic litigation discussions in the field of child justice. See more in our resource centre.
We are members of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency Platform and the Vulnerability Experts Network of the European Asylum Support Office. We participate in advisory boards of European initiatives and helping build networks. In particular, we are a member of the Steering Group of the Promise Barnahus Network led by the Council of Baltic Sea States.
Expert Policy Analysis, Advocacy & Capacity Building
Child Circle provides expert support to organisations in their policy and advocacy initiatives to protect children. This includes expert advice on child rights and child protection in European policies through research, analysis, capacity building and facilitation of exchange.
We have recently undertaken expert work for the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Council of Baltic Sea States and UNICEF. We also have carried out expert work for the Frontex Consultative Forum and the Child Protection Hub in South East Europe.

How do we operate and how are we funded?
Child Circle is established as a not-for-profit organization. As a partner in several European initiatives and projects, we receive financing from public funds, such as EU funding and private foundations.
Core funding for Child Circle, including co-funding for our partnership in European projects, is generated from income for expert services it provides.
Other Child Circle public interest engagement work is undertaken pro bono, with each of the Members contributing their knowledge and expertise. Child Circle is grateful to the voluntary work of our supporters during events.