Initiative for Children in Migration
The Initiative for Children in Migration is an informal collaboration among close to 100 NGOs and IGOs across Europe who are involved in coordinated advocacy on EU law and policy impacting children in migration.
Child Circle is a focal point of the Initiative and has received funding in partnership with Missing Children Europe and PICUM from EPIM and H&M Foundation to develop resources to support advocacy focussing on EU migration and asylum measures.
In particular Child Circle has been involved in the development of the website of the Initiative on Children in Migration. The website helps actors to identify what EU policies and law are relevant and what measures are under development. In a nutshell, this is a tool to support NGO advocacy, whether at national or European level. It aims to help bring together stakeholders from different interests or backgrounds (including child rights organisations, migration organisations, human rights organisations, youth networks, social welfare organisations).
For the Initiative on Children in Migration, Child Circle has also produced briefing papers on Keeping Children at the Heart of Relocation (with Missing Children Europe), Durable Solutions And The Best Interests Of The Child In The Context Of Return Processes (September 2019) (with PICUM and others) and Recommendations on measures for Migrant Children at the EU External Borders.