Connect to Protect
A centre of expertise and public interest engagement to protect children from violence and promote their rights in Europe.
Across Europe, children are at risk from many forms of violence. Administrative and judicial processes often neglect their needs and rights. Working together across professions and across borders is vital to protect children and support them to access their rights. Child Circle helps make this happen.
We focus on issues where EU measures have a particularly significant impact in this field. Children in migration. Children trafficked across borders. Child victims of abuse. Child suspects or accused of crime.
Our goal is to help shape laws and policies and ensure that they are translated into real changes to the lives of children.
Our priorities include advocating for and supporting:
Independent support and legal assistance to children in migration and criminal justice procedures
Child-centred processes, including individual needs assessments, child-sensitive procedures and multidisciplinary, inter-agency case management
Decision making which takes the best interests of the child as a primary consideration.