Stepping Stones to Safety: strengthening Key Procedural Safeguards for Unaccompanied Children in Transnational Procedures within the EU.
Within the European Union, unaccompanied children seeking international protection need safe and legal pathways between Member States in a number of circumstances, in particular, for family reunion, or to reach protection and assistance through relocation from countries of first entry. Transnational procedures underpinning these pathways embody the Member States’ human rights obligations to respect family life and the best interests of the children concerned, as well as a commitment to provide special protection and assistance to unaccompanied children and to enhance solidarity between States. There is both an urgent need, and a real opportunity to take concerted action to facilitate and improve these transnational procedures.
Connected with our work on Advancing Protection for unaccompanied children, KIND and Child Circle conducted a consultation with a range of involved stakeholders to explore challenges and opportunities to strengthen the work of legal assistance providers and guardians involved supporting children in transnational procedures. Our new report Stepping Stones: Strengthening Key Procedural Safeguards for Unaccompanied Children in Transnational Procedures within the EU, outlines five key areas for progress. Read the Executive Summary here. Read the full report here.
Current negotiations on EU law reform, recently issued EU policy strategies and ongoing practical actions can help achieve progress. Read the joint NGO statement ahead of the December 2021 Justice and Home Affairs Council here, calling for renewed commitment to solidarity and action to protect children in migration at EU border. See also KIND Europe and Child Circle policy briefing relating to proposed new EU border and screening procedures under the EU Migration and Asylum Pact Making proposed EU measures concerning migrant children at the EU external border more child-centred and child sensitive here.